
Facebook was down for roughly 20-30 minutes yesterday afternoon and everyone just went berserk about it. For someone who works in the field of social media, #FacebookDown gave me a few minutes to take a break from work and check other active social networking sites such as Twitter. @KitKat_PH stole the show by tweeting this:

Slow clap for the social media team behind KitKat Philippines, this is an example of a brilliant marketing response to #FacebookDown. ;)

Speaking of taking a break, our friends from NuffnangPH (in partnership with KitKat) have an ongoing contest to answer the question: "What skill would you like to unlike and why?". Choices were:

a. Type faster and flawlessly. 
b. Never forget any detail. 
c. Create awesome presentation decks. 
d. Multitask at any given time.

My answer would be B, to never forget any detail. As a travel blogger, I'm always on the go hopping from one place to another. Sometimes my mind goes blank trying to remember everything that happened especially when it's time to post a blog about a certain place. That's why whenever I'm out of town, I try as much as possible to document all activities by taking photos or videos. These visuals help me a lot in trying to recall details during my trip. ;)

UPDATE as of June 26, 2014: This post luckily won as one of the top 40 entries in the contest so I finally got a chance to experience the 4DX cinemas in Bonifacio High Street.

Our #KITKATBreakMovement started with an awesome dinner from Quiznos.

Last full show started around 11:00PM and ended almost 3 hours after. Transformers: Age of Extinction is a long ass movie! The 4DX exprience felt like I was in really bad flight with non-stop turbulence. Transformers was the perfect movie for a first timer in 4DX cinemas. :)

But will I try it again? Maybe, maybe not. It was a bit uncomfortable, like a roller coaster ride or something. My butt kept on falling off the chair. Movement almost activated my motion sickness. The 4DX cinemas in Bonifacio High Street it still the hottest ticket in town. Believe it or not, some moviegoers have a hard time scoring tickets up to this minute. So I'm really thankful to Nuffnang and KitKat for this exprience! ;)

Thanks for the 4DX movie experience KitKat Philippines! Want a KIT KAT movie break too? Go to facebook.com/kitkat.ph to join! #Breakommendation

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