September Update About My Project

Nkanga Lodge, where I stayed for a month
It's been a while since I have last had a chance to look at the status of my project of going to all countries in the world. I have been extremely busy with many things. Let's take a look at it.

1. Newly designed website. I have complete re-designed my website, to a more professional look as this, obviously, is very important in many ways.

2. Closure of I decided to close the hotel blog I opened in 2010 and transfer the entire blog with its articles into to make an even better, more interesting travel blog.

3. Moved my base from Dubai to South Africa. Dubai is a lovely place to visit, but I did not enjoy living there. Instead, I have now moved to South Africa where I live in different properties. I have just stayed a month at Nkanga Lodge and plan to combine short, and long term stays whenever I am in South Africa in the future. It is my favourite country in the world, and I would like to keep exploring it before finding a permanent place to stay. I plan on spending 5-6 months a year in South Africa over the coming years. Maybe more. I love that country.

4. Travelled. I am now in Gabon after a problematic trip to Congo you can later read about on my blog.

5. Chased visa in Pretoria. Managed to get visas for Rwanda, Congo, Gabon and the Central African Republic in Pretoria. Uber was a great help! I am an ambassador of Uber in South Africa and as everywhere else they operate, they make a big difference for me and my travels.

6. Planning the end of this project. With 16 countries left, I am very excited to get this project completed. It takes a lot of time, and I often don't get time to write as much as I would like.

I will do my best to write my next update next month, after a hopefully safe return to South Africa.

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September Update About My Project
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