November Update: 14 Countries Left

The beautiful countryside of Cameroon
It's time for an update on my project of visiting all countries and territories in the world. After surviving Bangui, I now have 14 countries left to visit and expect to complete the list at the beginning of 2016.

Quick notes:

1. I survived Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. One of the most dangerous countries in the world. A Swedish Expat helped me with a guide at the airport to get out of there without problems. Others have had nightmares with things stolen, and I am happy everything went well. I did, however not have a trouble free stay in the city itself. I was lucky to talk my way out of a discussion with soldiers. I did nothing wrong and only wanted to walk the streets. It was a very dangerous experience and a place I never expect o revisit. Bangui was the only real challenge since the last update.

2. I had a great visit to Cameroon. Read more about it in my article about Cameroon.

3. I have left my base in South Africa for the year. Now entirely focused on completing all countries in the world.

4. I am now on my way to London, where I hope to obtain a visa for Saudi Arabia. It might take a week, and I hope to experience many of London's best hotels. 

5. I am currently writing my first printed book about my travels to all countries, and I hope it will be out before the end of the year.

I'll give you a quick update again next month about the status of my project. In the meantime, follow me on and

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November Update: 14 Countries Left
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